downloading .ics calendar files from a website


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I'm trying to offer the ability to download a .ics calendar
file from a webpage using Flash. When you click on the
link "download the outlook calendar file" in the Flash, it
opens a popup window to

If I put that there URL directly into a new Internet explorer
window, I get prompted "do you want to open or save this

If, from Flash, I open a popup window with that same URL,
the popup opens just fine (it's not popup-blocked), but then
it disappears.

No suggestions please of what internet options to change, if
it doesn't work on what I already have then it's not going to
work for the people I want to offer this to.

I've tried opening the popup window to a redirector which
redirects window.location.href to that URL but that gives a
security warning "this website has been blocked from trying
to download a file to your computer".


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