Downloded thesis template from


vijay J.

I have downloaded a template but have few problems /

I have downloaded a thesis template
from "", and then "Template
Gallery>Education>For Students>Papers, reports and
presentations>thesis>download now".

I save it, with all the sample text in place, as a .dot
file. I open Word (2000), click file>new, and click on
this template name, which opens the document with all the
sample text in place.
I choose ctrl+A, Del, and then type a thesis title
('Normal' style by default), select this title and
choose "Title Cover" style from the style dropdown box. I
expect the title to be in the same style as the sample
text in the downloaded template, but the title appears to
be one letter per line (i.e. vertical), and reads like
this, for example:


If I retain all the sample text (ie no ctrl+A and Del)and
just overwrite title, it works fine, but I expected it to
work if I delete every text and retype and choose style,
as I did above.
Also, how to convert this template to outline number
format. The first three headings in chapter 1 in the
sample template have a style "Heading Base", "Heading
Base", and "Heading 2" respectively. What is Heading Base
style intended for? and why is it different from Heading
2, as they look same in appearance.

Thanks for any help.

Margaret Aldis

Hi vijay

I've had a quick look at this template. It's designed to be used with some
of the current content and especially the section formats left in place - in
particular, it contains an index arranged in columns as the last section of
the document, and when you deleted all the content it was that page layout
that you were left with - hence the title not fitting correctly in the
narrow column.

On the first page of the template, the 'Type thesis title here' and other
items in brackets are intended to be 'click here' placeholders - you should
just click in the field and type over those. The date is a CREATEDATE field,
so that should update automatically (change the 'picture' in the field code
for a different format).

Most of the rest of the content is sample text that you can replace, though
it does include section breaks that you would probably want to keep (though
it hasn't given you any headers or footers, I see.) Bizarrely, the Tables of
Contents and Figures, and the Index, have been inserted as text instead of
using the automatic facilities - you'll want to replace these with proper
tables and indexes (Insert > Reference menu).

The bibliography has been set up as just a lot of 'click here' fields - I
don't think this is the neatest way of doing this, especially if you want to
cite from within the text.

All in all, this is not a very nice template and you might want to look at

(Note that this template isn't a download from the MVP site but the
Microsoft one - I think we ought to be embarrassed 'our' link got you there

Vijay J.

Hi Margaret,
Thanks for your reply : your analysis of the downloaded
website and the reference to the website was very useful.

I have now further query regarding outline numbering.
I am trying to template in which, lets say, in chapter 1,
after the chapter name, there is "Introduction", which is
not numbered, and then there are numbered items, but I
want the unnumbered "Introduction" as well in the TOC. In
other words, if I choose Outline Numbering, is there a
way of skipping styles out of or including more styles
other then Heading 1, Heading 2 etc. in TOC? Or say
there is "Abstract", and its style is neither of
Heading1, Heading2 etc, but a new style defined by me,
how can I include "Abstract" to appear in TOC, when the
TOC only shows Heading1, Heading2 etc. I hope I have made
the question clear.


-----Original Message-----
Hi vijay

I've had a quick look at this template. It's designed to be used with some
of the current content and especially the section formats left in place - in
particular, it contains an index arranged in columns as the last section of
the document, and when you deleted all the content it was that page layout
that you were left with - hence the title not fitting correctly in the
narrow column.

On the first page of the template, the 'Type thesis title here' and other
items in brackets are intended to be 'click here' placeholders - you should
just click in the field and type over those. The date is a CREATEDATE field,
so that should update automatically (change
the 'picture' in the field code

Suzanne S. Barnhill

You can create a custom style, identical to (but not based on) Heading 1 and
assign it an outline level of Level 1 (in Format | Paragraph). It will then
be automatically picked up by the TOC. If you want it to be at a different
level, give it a different outline level.

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