I'm new at using this discussion group site. I'm puzzled about why you can't post replies or new items in the evening or on weekends, and sometimes early morning. Does this site only have certain hours of operation, other than for read-only? If so, what are they
Why doesn't whoever manages this site indicate either the hours when you can post messages or let you know when you can't post. It's frustrating to type out a whole message only to have it aborted when you click on Send. It would help if you could even go back and cut and paste it to somewhere on your PC so you could post it again later without re-typing it
This is a great site, but this aspect of it's management is very poor
Why doesn't whoever manages this site indicate either the hours when you can post messages or let you know when you can't post. It's frustrating to type out a whole message only to have it aborted when you click on Send. It would help if you could even go back and cut and paste it to somewhere on your PC so you could post it again later without re-typing it
This is a great site, but this aspect of it's management is very poor