DOX ARE WRONG! What is the correct string arg for "Show Windows in Taskbar" ?????



access 2k;

documentation says that the arg for the Tools/Options/View:

windows in taskbar check box is:

"Use Taskbar For Each Document"

it is NOT! (at least that's the error message I get) !!!

I've also tried "Show Windows in Taskbar" with the same results...

tia - Bob

Dirk Goldgar

Bob said:
access 2k;

documentation says that the arg for the Tools/Options/View:

windows in taskbar check box is:

"Use Taskbar For Each Document"

it is NOT! (at least that's the error message I get) !!!

I've also tried "Show Windows in Taskbar" with the same results...

tia - Bob

You mean the argument for SetOption? I *think* it's
"ShowWindowsInTaskbar" or something like that. I'm not sure, but I
imagine you find it with a search of Google Groups ( ).


You mean the argument for SetOption? I *think* it's
"ShowWindowsInTaskbar" or something like that. I'm not sure, but I
imagine you find it with a search of Google Groups ( ).


you were right -
I tried using that EXACT phrase, but I put in spaces, because EVERY
OTHER string to control those arguments uses spaces!!!!!

WHY on earth ms decided to make ONE string without spaces is
completely beyond me!!!!


Dirk Goldgar

Bob said:
I tried using that EXACT phrase, but I put in spaces, because EVERY
OTHER string to control those arguments uses spaces!!!!!

WHY on earth ms decided to make ONE string without spaces is
completely beyond me!!!!

Me, too. I've finally found the help topic that lists the option
values. In the A2K2 help, at least, it exists under the name "Set
Options from Visual Basic" in the Microsoft Access Visual Basic
Reference. It was linked to by the help topic for the SetOption Method.
Of course, finding anything in the help files is a trial in itself.


Me, too. I've finally found the help topic that lists the option
values. In the A2K2 help, at least, it exists under the name "Set
Options from Visual Basic" in the Microsoft Access Visual Basic
Reference. It was linked to by the help topic for the SetOption Method.
Of course, finding anything in the help files is a trial in itself.


can't tell you how much time I blow searching thru help before
posting, and usually, in the end I have to post.

Only after I get a reply am I able to find the stuff in help!!!!!

lot of good that does!!!


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