

No Frills

in web-enabled forms does any one know how to enable the draft function in

thank you

No Frills

Hi Greg,

Thanks for the reply. For ex. A user does not have all the information for
the form and decides to complete it in the future. Is it possible to save
that incomplete form in a form library or list? Is there a method to do this.

I know this is going off topic but is there a way to generate a random
number as the form loads?? Are there any built in math functions in infopath??


Greg Collins

Random numbers require code. Any InfoPath supported language will provide a
method to generate a random number.

There's no differentiation between saving and saving as draft. You create
that differentiation by including a field "my:Draft" and setting it to true
or false.

Are you referring to saving to a "different" library than normal (i.e. a
draft library as opposed to your normal library where you want to store
final forms)? This is possible with code, but is messy and not recommended.
Add a boolean field "my:Draft" and promote that to SharePoint where you can
filter on it instead.

No Frills

Any documentation on the my:Draft you are talking about. I could not find
anything online.

I followed this tutorial step-by-step to add a record to a sharepoint task
list from infopath with out code. I want to keep this code less. End users
who will be maintaining this are novice users.


The list writes back to Sharepoint but it does not write back to Sharepoint.

I am not sure what is happening.


Greg Collins

"my:Draft" is not something that is documented... it's simply an XML node
that you add to your schema. Then you set a value to it (preferably boolean:
"true"/"false" or "1"/"0").

It's just a way for you to know whether your form is in draft mode or not.

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