Drafts lost after sending


Mitch Cohen


I have two users in the same office describing this problem with Entourage

-User creates a new mail message
-User saves said message as a draft
-User later opens said message from Drafts
-User sends said message
-Message sends ok
-Message not saved anywhere - the sent message is not to be found in Sent
Items or Drafts, either in the IMAP folder or Folders on My Computer.

So basically, the problem is the user loses their copy of the sent message.
This only happens when sending a message previously stored in Drafts.
Messages sent from typical new message windows are saved fine (in Sent Items
on the IMAP server).

I'm unable to duplicate the problem. I'm testing with their mail server.

The users are technically proficient, and longtime users of Entourage.

Has anyone heard of such a problem?


Diane Ross

This is not a known problem. Since it's an IMAP account check for any server
settings that might cause this. Can anyone else in the office other than
these two verify the behavior?

Let's verify that the messages are not moved to another folder. Create a
test message. Type a word like VALKYRIES (just any unusual name) so a search
will easily find this message. Now do the steps you describe of saving to
draft then sending. Does a search turn up this message?

Check your Outgoing rules to be sure there are no rules that nuke messages.


I actually experienced this recently.

I did an advanced search and was able to locate the sent message with Entourage.

I'm using an IMAP account, so I checked the sent items folder via webmail through my browser and it shows up in that folder. Adding to that, it acknowledges that I have replied to the original message when viewing the inbox.

I think it is a random bug.

Diane Ross

I actually experienced this recently.

I did an advanced search and was able to locate the sent message with

I'm using an IMAP account, so I checked the sent items folder via webmail
through my browser and it shows up in that folder. Adding to that, it
acknowledges that I have replied to the original message when viewing the

I think it is a random bug.

Maybe I'm confused, but when you send a message that has been stored in
Drafts, it's not a draft any longer and is saved as Sent.

If you are using drafts as templates see:



I'm not arguing that at all. It's normal for the saved draft message to clear out of the drafts folder once sent.

What we are discussing is an error in displaying a sent message in the sent items folder, specifically messages that have been stored in the drafts folder before being sent. That may sound confusing at first read.

Diane Ross

I'm not arguing that at all. It's normal for the saved draft message to clear
out of the drafts folder once sent.

I certainly didn't see it as argumentative. I was just not clear on what you
were explaining.
What we are discussing is an error in displaying a sent message in the sent
items folder, specifically messages that have been stored in the drafts folder
before being sent. That may sound confusing at first read.

You've totally lost me. If it's sent, it's sent no matter if it was stored
in drafts or not. Color me confused.

Michel Bintener

What we are discussing is an error in displaying a sent message in the sent
items folder, specifically messages that have been stored in the drafts folder
before being sent. That may sound confusing at first read.

Do the sent messages not show up in your Sent Items folder? This may be
caused by an IMAP refresh issue; ctrl-/right-click your Sent Items folder
and choose Refresh Message List. If that doesn't work, choose Repair Message
List, and all your sent messages should be shown in the Sent Items folder.

Michel Bintener
Microsoft MVP
Office:mac (Entourage & Word)

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