Drag and drop copy



Suggest implementing drag and drop copy from within OneNote or external
documents when the control key is pressed

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Daniel Escapa [MS]

Great suggestion!

That is something we will consider for future releases.

Grant Robertson

Great suggestion!
That is something we will consider for future releases.

When you do, try to make it so we can do it without using the ctrl key if
we don't have a keyboard handy. Doing it the same way as Windows Explorer
already does it makes the most sense. Once you have selected your text or
items; right-click and drag. Since the only two options would be to
either move or copy you wouldn't even have to pop up the option menu like
when you right-click and drag a file (which has the third option of
creating a shortcut).

To summarize:

Left-Click (or stylus tip) & Drag = Move Text or ink
Right-Click (or stylus tip + side button) & Drag = Copy Text or ink

Rainald Taesler

Daniel Escapa [MS] shared these words of wisdom:
Great suggestion!

That is something we will consider for future releases.

Please keep in mind not to add any additional key-combinations.
One Note is an isntrument which is heavily used on TabletPCs.
And if applications are designed for the usage on a TabletPC any
action needing a key is not conforming the requirements.

There are ways too many features already (like flipping through pages)
which can not be master if the computer has no keyboard or is used in
slate mode.


Daniel Escapa [MS]

Thank you all for the feedback.

Although more of our users are on regular desktops & laptops we will
continue to strive to excel on Tablet PCs.

Again thank you

Rainald Taesler

Daniel Escapa [MS] shared these words of wisdom:

Thanks for your reply, Daniel.
Although more of our users are on regular desktops & laptops we
will continue to strive to excel on Tablet PCs.

No doubt about more user desktops or laptops.
But I don't think that a TabletPC would some *irregular* <!!g&d>.

Honestly speaking: I'm sure that nobody in here would want to see that
any difficulties might be imposed on people using notebook.

But OneNote - without any doubt - is aiming at TabletPC users too.
And this makes it a true *must* to take care of keyboardless usage.

As I said recently in some other thread: Development under these
circumstances has to be based on slate usage without any compromise.
It needs a bit more thinking and a bit more implementing alternative
But he promises software for tablet usage must not create things which
leave the tablet users in the rain.

I for one with my tc1100 can use the tablet with or without a
keyboard. There's times where I use the keyboard. No use in trying to
write longer things with the pen. But most of the time I don't. And
when I attend a meeting, I will refrain from opening the computer in
notebook mode - nothing worse than meetings where participants have
nothing better to do than hacking on there computers. And meanwhile
for faculty conferences we haven an unspoken codex that no one opens
his notebook.
So in situations like that I leave the keyboard at home (or in the

And I expect that the software created and marketed for tablets works
on tablets with no restrictions (like f.e. flipping through pages
which is really important if one is looking for something).

IMO it should be a part of the development process that QA folks would
be forbidden to use a TabletPC other than in slate mode ;-) :)


Grant Robertson

Thank you all for the feedback.

Although more of our users are on regular desktops & laptops we will
continue to strive to excel on Tablet PCs.

Remember, Bill Gates keeps saying that all laptops will be Tablet PCs
"real soon now." ;^)

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