Drag-and-drop reorder bug, Outlook 2007 taskpad



I'm posting sending this message here because there doesn't seem to be an
official channel for filing a bug report with Microsoft. (If you do a google
search for "microsoft office bug report", you'll find that there's a lot of
frustration about this on the web - one guy spend hours on the phone and even
paid $35 dollars to tech support just to inform Microsoft of a bug. Microsoft
is ignoring a huge, free resource out there by not providing an easy way for
real-world users to submit bug reports!)

Here's how to reproduce the bug:

1. In Outlook 2007, configure the taskpad as follows:
- Fields: Complete, Priority, Task Subject, Due Date
- Group By: Priority (descending)
- Sort: none
- Filter: Advanced (Date completed does not exist; Flag completed date
does not exist; due date: on or before today)

2. Create a number of tasks of high, normal, and low priority

3. Try dragging and dropping tasks to reorder within one of the priority
categories, either to the very first position in the category or to the very
last position in the category. The behavior is erratic - if you try dragging
to the top, it goes to the bottom. If you try dragging to the bottom, it goes
to a random position within the list.

Hope this helps improve Outlook.

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