drag&drop of text from external app. onto Visio2003 drawing


Markus Breugst

Hi All,

if I select some text in any Windows application and drag&drop this text
onto an open Visio2002 drawing, then Visio2002 creates a text shape which
contains the dragged text.

Unfortunately, this does not seem to work with Visio2003. Visio2003 does not
even allow me to drop text onto a drawing. Instead, the cursor changes to
the crossed-out circle, and nothing happens if I drop the text.
Is there any way to enable this drag&drop functionality in Visio2003? It is
the basis of a very important feature of our .NET application:

Thanks in advance for any reply & best regards,

Markus Breugst

Hi again,

I have to correct my previous mail: it is obviously not a general problem of
Visio2003. Something is different than in 2002, so that our drag&drop does
not work, but I have to do a little research before I knew exactly what it
is. So please just ignore this mail and have a nice weekend.

Best regards,

Markus Breugst

Finally, I found the reason for the problem. Perhaps someone of you may be

What we are doing is the typical drag&drop between an external application
and Visio: When an element in our application is dragged, the application
puts a text string into the "drag buffer" -> After dropping the string into
Visio, Visio creates a text shape -> our application receives the ShapeAdded
event, deletes the text shape and creates a new "real" shape which
represents the previously dragged element.

When initiating a drag operation, we have to define the allowed
DragDropEffects (such as copy, move, link, ...). Up to now, we only allowed
copy and link, and that was ok for Visio2002. (If you drag something into
Visio2002, you will see the "link cursor", the one with this little arrow.)
However, Visio2003 does something else than copy and link (probably "move"),
and therefore the drop operation was prohibited.

Solution: Just allow any possible DragDropEffect, and Visio2003 will accept

Best regards,

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