Drag in a List Box


Bob Vance

If I have a list box that has a row source to a query is it possible to drag
my records up and down the list box to give them a certain order to print on
a report??

Larry Linson

Bob Vance said:
If I have a list box that has a row source to a query is it possible to
drag my records up and down the list box to give them a certain order to
print on a report??

I'm wondering how the List Box would affect the order of printing on a
Rport? The Sorting and Grouping Properties of the Report are what
determines the order in which the Rcords are printed.

The List Box's Row Source will determine the order in which information
appears in the List Box.

Larry Linson
Microsoft Office Access MVP

Bob Vance

Thanks Larry, So no matter what order i put them in my listbox that wont
print the prder on my report?.......Regards Bob

Bob Quintal

Thanks Larry, So no matter what order i put them in my listbox
that wont print the prder on my report?.......Regards Bob
Having some (l)user drag records up and down randomly seems a pretty
disorganized way to sort anything. Is there no usable field such as a
name, date or id field that could be used to sort the report

If you really need to do this, create a new field, sortorder, type
integer. You can then use some code to set this number, based on the
dragging, or up and down arrows like in some of the wizards, as the
field to sort on in the report.


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