drag 'n drop plain files?


Bryan Harris

What is the criteria for Excel to accept a dropped file? Is that
something that can be changed?

I work with plain text files all day, but the Excel icon in the dock
won't often take them. For example, from the command line:

% ls -1 > mydir
% open .

Then drag the mydir file onto the Excel icon. Excel won't take it on
my machine, but if you go the File:Open route and tell it to accept
All Documents, it'll open fine.

% open -a "Microsoft Excel" mydir

doesn't even work...

Any ideas?

- B

Bryan Harris

Any ideas?
[stuff cut out]

Try holding down Command and Option as you drag the file onto Excel's Dock
icon. It doesn't work for the Excel application icon, but if Excel is in
your Dock it'll work for most files.

Thank you Jason! This definitely wins the OS X tip of the month for me... =)

It seems to work with other apps, too. Awesome.

Thanks again.

- Bryan

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