drag_drop subordinates no longer works



Org chart does not recognize superior/subordinate shapes after it was
saved and re-opened. Cannot use drap and drop feature no longer.Please
help... there are 300+ people listed

James W.

When you created the file did you have the solution open and working? When
using this solution and it is working properly there should be a menu item at
top of the page named Organization Chart and you should also have a floating
one either on the drawing page or somewhere on or near the toolbar. When you
say does not recognize superior/subordinates shapes are you getting some type
of error message? If this is happening with a certain file it could be
something has gone bad with the file. You could test with a new file and see
if you get the same results, you may want to open a support case with
Microsoft Support.

James W.


Go to menu bar > Tools > Options > Advanced Tab, and make sure that Enable
automation events is checked.



Both the floating Org chart toolbar and menu option is available.
I do close the floating one. The drag_drop feature doesn't work when
updating this file by dragging a subordinate template onto the superior
shape...do get the message about to connect drag onto superior shape, but
when I do, does not connect.
The feature to hide/expand subordinates no longer works. This is the
second file I created because these features went away.


This is was already checked.
WapperDude said:
Go to menu bar > Tools > Options > Advanced Tab, and make sure that Enable
automation events is checked.


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