Dragging a formula




I need to drag a simple reference formula =A7 in such a way that it follows
a pattern. Something like...


Can you please help me in doing this?

Dave Peterson

Type A7 in the top cell
type A14 in the next cell

Select both cells
Drag down as far as you need

Select the range
what: A
with: =A
replace all


Hello Sheelo,

Thank you for the revert.
it's working absolutely fine in my below example...

Actually i was looking for a formula which i can paste in the same row....

=A747 in A1189
=A754 in A1190

Please help...



Actually i was looking for a formula which i can paste in the same column....

Sorry for the same...


Try this
in Col B and copy across

Basically build a formula like (COLUMN()-1)*7 which gives you the number to
append to the letter A to get the reference...
This refers to A7 when entered in Col B
If you want to start at, say A1189
then use

Row() and Column() give you the row number and column number of the cell
containing the formula.


Dear Sheeloo,

This formula is working fine when I'm trying to drag the formula to RIGHT in
the same row.


It is referring to A747 when inserted in A1189, and when it was dragged to
RIGHT in the same row, in B1189 it was referring to A754 and so on...

Actually i want to drag the formula to DOWN in the same column like...

Referring A747 in A1189
A754 in A1190
A761 in A1191

I have tried all possibilities in the above formula but not able to get the
desired result :(

Sorry for troubling you more...


Try this in A1189 and copy down Col A

You have mentioned
Which means copy across in A1189Which is what this formula will do

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