Dragging array UDF functions




I built a array function and it is working pretty well, but when
drag it I get a "value" msg.

Thanks for any help.


Frank Kabel

you may post the code of your UDF. Also the exact formula you use in
wour worksheet

Mark Graesser

Hi Eduardo
Are you using the appropriate reference type (absolute,relative)? And as Frank said, always a good idea to post the formula and code. Otherwise we really don't have any info to work with

Good Luck
Mark Graesse
(e-mail address removed)
Boston M

----- Eduardo > wrote: ----


I built a array function and it is working pretty well, but when
drag it I get a "value" msg

Thanks for any help



Hi folks,

Thanks Frank and Mark for their answers, and sorry I did not posted th
code. Here it is.

I still don't know what to do. Thanks again.


Public Function samLMR(x As Variant, Optional a As Double = 0#
Optional b As Double = 0#) As Variant
Dim xmom() As Double
Dim xm() As Double
Dim sum(8) As Double

Dim R As Integer
Dim C As Integer
Dim ReturnColumn As Boolean

R = Selection.Rows.Count
C = Selection.Columns.Count

n = x.Count
x = selectnumbers(x) ' sort the data
n = n - nfails

If R < C Then
nmom = C - 1
nmom = R - 1
End If

zero = 0
one = 1

mn = Application.WorksheetFunction.Min(20, n)

If (nmom > mn) Then
AlertMSG (" *** error *** routine samLMR : parameter nmo
Exit Function
End If

For i = 1 To nmom
sum(i) = zero
Next i

If (a <> zero) Or (b <> zero) Then
If (a <= -one) Or (a >= b) Then
AlertMSG (" *** error *** routine samLMR : plotting-positio
parameters invalid.")
Exit Function
End If
For i = 1 To n
ppos = (i + a) / (n + b)
term = x(i)
sum(1) = sum(1) + term
For j = 2 To nmom
term = term * ppos
sum(j) = sum(j) + term
Next j
Next i

For j = 1 To nmom
sum(j) = sum(j) / n
Next j
For i = 1 To n
z = i
term = x(i)
sum(1) = sum(1) + term
For j = 2 To nmom
z = z - one
term = term * z
sum(j) = sum(j) + term
Next j
Next i
y = n
z = n
sum(1) = sum(1) / z
For j = 2 To nmom
y = y - one
z = z * y
sum(j) = sum(j) / z
Next j
End If ' (a <> zero) Or (b <> zero) Then ...


k = nmom
p0 = one
If (nmom - Fix(nmom / 2) * 2 = 1) Then
p0 = -one
End If

For kk = 2 To nmom
ak = k
p0 = -p0
p = p0
temp = p * sum(1)
For i = 1 To k - 1
AI = i
p = -p * (ak + AI - one) * (ak - AI) / (AI * AI)
temp = temp + p * sum(i + 1)
Next i
sum(k) = temp
k = k - 1
Next kk

ReDim xmom(nmom)
xmom(1) = sum(1)

If (nmom > 1) Then

xmom(2) = sum(2)

If (sum(2) = zero) Then
AlertMSG (" *** error *** routine samLMR : all data value
Exit Function
End If

If (nmom > 2) Then
For k = 3 To nmom
xmom(k) = sum(k) / sum(2)
Next k
End If

End If

ReturnColumn = False
If R > 1 Then
If C > 1 Then
ReDim xm(R, C)
ReDim xm(R)
ReturnColumn = True
End If
ReDim xm(C)
End If

For i = 1 To nmom + 1
If i <= 2 Then
xm(i) = xmom(i)
ElseIf i = 3 Then
xm(i) = xmom(2) / xmom(1)
xm(i) = xmom(i - 1)
End If
Next i

If ReturnColumn = True Then
samLMR = Application.WorksheetFunction.Transpose(xm)
samLMR = xm
End If

End Function 'samLMR

Frank Kabel

without looking too much at your function I believe the main probelm is
that you rely within your function on the current selection of cells:
R = Selection.Rows.Count
C = Selection.Columns.Count

This is IMHO not robust. You should use a range as parameter to define
the range to use. e.g. if you select a different region and hit F9 (to
recalculate) the function will get a different result!

This may also be the reason for your error while dragging as you change
the current selection.


Thanks Frank for your answer. I am struggling to implement a solutio
for what you pointed out as a problem. I included

OutputRegion As Range

as parameter of my function and got rid of the selection region stuff
I tried to write the results of the function using:

i = 1
For Each Celula In OutputRegion
Celula.Value = xm(i)
i = i + 1
Next Celula

where Celula is defined as Range. The result I got is still "value".

Thanks again.


Frank Kabel

Hi Eduardo
a function cannot change the cell contents of other cells. No chance to
do that. A function can only return a value to the cell it resides in.

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