Hi D.Ball,
When you drag the picture does the cursor pointer arrow show a plus sign or a shortcut arrow on it?
If it's a plus sign, and you're seeing text if the text is showing "Includepicture..." try Alt+F9 to toggle the field codes.
If it's showing a shortcut arrow then the picture on the web page is likely tied to a hyperlink and what you're dragging is the
If you copy the picture from the web page (right click and copy) and use Edit=>Paste Special into Word and choose a format other
than the default 'HTML' you should be able to avoid the (intentional default) linking effect, although you may need to use
Edit=>Paste Special, Cut then Edit=>Paste Special again if you need a file format other than Bitmap graphic.
Thanks, that unlinks it, but the picture still doesn't show, just the text. >>
Bob Buckland ?

MS Office System Products MVP
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