Dragging pictures into word



Hi, in Excel I can drag a picture from a web page and have it show. However,
when I drag a picture from a web page into Word, it shows up as a link to
the picture, not the actual picture itself. Is there any way to change this?


Have you checked in Tools - options - view tab - section show - whether
'Picture Placeholder' has been checked if so uncheck it.

Suzanne S. Barnhill

Possibly. For the picture to be displayed, the computer would have to be
connected to the Internet, and I suppose the picture would have to be
displayed when unlinked for this to work. Perhaps just Alt+F before

Stefan Blom

Unlinking should work even with field codes displayed. Of course, this
assumes that the link created when dragging is in fact to a picture!

Stefan Blom
Microsoft Word MVP

in message

Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi D.Ball,

When you drag the picture does the cursor pointer arrow show a plus sign or a shortcut arrow on it?

If it's a plus sign, and you're seeing text if the text is showing "Includepicture..." try Alt+F9 to toggle the field codes.

If it's showing a shortcut arrow then the picture on the web page is likely tied to a hyperlink and what you're dragging is the

If you copy the picture from the web page (right click and copy) and use Edit=>Paste Special into Word and choose a format other
than the default 'HTML' you should be able to avoid the (intentional default) linking effect, although you may need to use
Edit=>Paste Special, Cut then Edit=>Paste Special again if you need a file format other than Bitmap graphic.

Thanks, that unlinks it, but the picture still doesn't show, just the text. >>


Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office System Products MVP

*Courtesy is not expensive and can pay big dividends*


Yes, it was as simple as copy and paste. Not even Paste Special. I guess the
reason I was confused was that you can just drag the pictures into Excel.
Thank you very much and thanks everyone for the help.

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