Draw 98 Conversion to Word XP


Dick Curry

I have several drawings in Word 98. I would like to
convert them to drawings in Word XP (2000) format so I
can use the improved functionality of that program. I
tried the convert function in Word, but it doesn't work.
Any ideas?

Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi Dick,

If you select the Draw 98 object in Word 2002 or 2003
then use Ctrl+X then Edit=>Paste Special and select
the 'Picture(Enhanced Metafile)' can you then edit
the contents by using the Drawing Toolbar to ungroup?

I have several drawings in Word 98. I would like to
convert them to drawings in Word XP (2000) format so I
can use the improved functionality of that program. I
tried the convert function in Word, but it doesn't work.
Any ideas? >>

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