Draw line on multiple pages



No - drawn lines are objects & objects cannot span a page break. If you
provide a detailed description of what you're trying to accomplish there may
be other options available. Also indicate what version of the program you're
using any time you post a question.


Thanks Suzanne and CyberTaz. We are actually transitioning from Office 2003
to 2007, so I was curious about if you can do it in either. I did anchor one
line in the header, just as an experiment, but it's not really what we're
looking for.

(Just to clarify, I am recommending that the user use a different program
than Word.) The user wants to have a table of tasks, with columns for the
task, the due date and the parties involved. He wants to be able to draw a
vertical line next to the table to show the relationship of the task to the
different users. A single task may be larger than one page, so he wants to be
able to draw a line from one page to the next. I told him I did not think
Word could do this and that he might use MSProject or even a spreadsheet
instead, but I thought I should ask you experts out there to make sure it
can't be done.

I guess as a work around he could create a very narrow column and color it
in, though that seems a little lame to me, not to mention that he wants an
arrowhead on the end of the line... and of course it wouldn't run through the
headers and footers.

Any other thoughts?

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