Draw more than 1 text box?



Is there a way to draw more than one text box without having to click the
text box tool again? In 2003, I could double-click the tool and use it
multiple times.

Jay Freedman

Is there a way to draw more than one text box without having to click the
text box tool again? In 2003, I could double-click the tool and use it
multiple times.

On the Insert ribbon, click the Text Box button. Right-click the "Draw Text Box"
item at the bottom of the gallery and choose "Add to Quick Access Toolbar".

The Text Box button on the Quick Access Toolbar allows you to double-click it to
draw multiple text boxes. Press ESC to release the tool.


Thanks, Jay. That helps a lot. I noticed when I tried it that I don't need
to "draw" the text box, I just need to click and one is inserted.

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