Draw rectangle based on subreport


Question Boy

I am trying to create a rectangle around a certain area in a report that is
variable/dynamic based on a subreport and for some reason cannot get the
proper height of the subreport to pass to the function drawing the rectangle.

Using the Detail_Print event I have

Dim iheight As Long
If Me.rpt_tbl_dtFabP.Report.Height > Me.rpt_tbl_dtApproP.Report.Height
iheight = 900 + Me.rpt_tbl_dtFabP.Report.Height
iheight = 900 + Me.rpt_tbl_dtApproP.Report.Height
End If

should this not work? how can I determine the height of the subreport,
record by record?


Duane Hookom

I doubt you want to refer to the ".Report." since you are only concerned
about the grown height of the control and not anything about the object in
the control.

I would try
Dim iheight As Long
If Me.rpt_tbl_dtFabP.Height > Me.rpt_tbl_dtApproP.Height Then
iheight = 900 + Me.rpt_tbl_dtFabP.Height
iheight = 900 + Me.rpt_tbl_dtApproP.Height
End If

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