Drawing a flowchart from Access tree (parentID) data


Nick Mirro

I have Visio and Access 2002. In Access, an evolutionary tree is
represented in several tables using NodeNames, NodeIDs and ParentIDs. The
link below shows the relationships.


1. Is it possible to have Visio 2002 or 2003 (standard edit.) automatically
draw a flowchart type tree structure using these tables or queries?

2. If so, can I ask how?

3. Are there any writeups on how to do this?

(optional extra info)

Imagine the tree is upright in this description (parents are down). Each
node in the tree (except the few at the very bottom - trunk portion) has
assigned to it a parent node by the identifier, ParentID. This creates a
sequential hierarchy below each childmost terminal (leaf) node in the tree.


The Pro version has a Database schema reverse-engineering functionality and
will provide the diagram shown on the webpage.

Be sure to use the Access driver rather than the generic ODBC driver.

Nick Mirro

Thanks for your help with this. Do you mean the pro version will draw the
relationships diagram? I was hoping to generate an actual organizational
type chart based on the data in these displayed tables.



The Pro version will draw the table relationship diagram.
e.g. Table1 inherits from Table2 and so Visio will draw a connection between
Table1 and Table2.

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