This might be a deceptively simple question. I'm trying to draw a solid semi
circle in Powerpoint 2000, but It's not in the list of basic shapes. I can
draw a circle, but that's not what I want. I can draw an Arc, but then I
need to fill it (which I cant, even If I try using a connector to join the
two ends of the arc. I can even use the sort-of-semicircle shape in the list
of flow chart shapes (but this is not quite a semicicle)
How does one draw a filled semicircle?
circle in Powerpoint 2000, but It's not in the list of basic shapes. I can
draw a circle, but that's not what I want. I can draw an Arc, but then I
need to fill it (which I cant, even If I try using a connector to join the
two ends of the arc. I can even use the sort-of-semicircle shape in the list
of flow chart shapes (but this is not quite a semicicle)
How does one draw a filled semicircle?