Hi PapaK,
1/100th of an inch or 1/10th of a mm (which gives about 4/1,000ths of an inch)are the resolution minimum settings for the drawing
While you may be able to drag with that accuracy you may have more control by selecting a graphic and then using
Format=>Picture=>Layout=>Advanced to type in measurements or adjustments to current positions in those increments.
Word isn't page layout software and placing something in a very finite position may not hold if you (or someone reading the file)
has a different printer or printer settings or different fonts than what you're using now among other possibilities.
What version of Word are you using and is there a particular diagram type or other end use you're trying to achieve?
the Microsoft Word Picture has a drawing grid with minimum 0,01mm grid
distance. Is there anyway to minimize the grid distance?
Actually, my main problem is how to place objects in picture more precisely.
Is there any way/trick?
Thanks. >>
Bob Buckland ?

MS Office System Products MVP
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