Drawing line and textbox



I draw 2 lines (X shape) and the texbox inside the table.
In preview mode these lines and the textbox does not appear at the place
they were drawn but there are moved upwards.
What must be done to anchor these drawings in one place???


"To anchor in one place" I mean the drawings stay within that cell they were
drawn and do not move (partially) to the cell above it.


See http://www.rxs-enterprises.org/tests/vml-graphics.htm for reasons
why text-boxes and lines (both are VML graphics) should be avoided.

These items rely on absolute positioning (AP), so everything connected
with these items must also be absolutely positioned, or they will appear
to move around if the browser size is changed, or text size is changed.
Any test that is absolutely positioned will start to look ugly
(overlapping adjacent blocks of text or images if the text size is
Absolutely positioning any objects within a table cell is usually asking
for problems - they will often be positioned with respect to the
top-left of the page, and the table will move as browser window size is
changed and/or font size is changed. You cannot fix the size of a font.

If you do not have a complete and valid doctype, then the page will
render differently in different browsers - again causing the AP objects
to "move". Also, text boxes and lines will not render as expected in
non-IE browsers. Any links in the text box will always fail (in non-IE


Thank you very much for the explanation.
But what is the solution?
What I need is to just mark some cells (inside the table) as "temporarily
unavailable", without changing the content of those cells.
Is it possible?


If the cells only contain text, then one solution is to add a background
image to the cell where the image states "Temporarily Unavailable", and
has a background colour that makes the normal text hard to read.
Admittedly, not very elegant.

One solution (means adding content to the cells without changing
original content) is to add a positioned image in a relatively
positioned container. Example:
<td><div style="position:relative;"><div
style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;><img src="images/unavail.gif"
width="50" height="30" alt="Temporarily Unavailable"></div></div>
Rest of cell content</td>

The image should be a transparent .gif constructed in an image editing
program, with suitable wording as part of the image.
Ron Symonds - Microsoft MVP (FrontPage)
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