Drawing problem



I have OneNote installed on a WinXP Pro desktop.

When I first installed it I had no problem using the drawing pens but now I
can't draw.

I've tried a re-boot and I've checked the Tools menu to make sure I have a
pen selected.

Is there some other obvious thing I've forgotten to do? (I'm logged on as
administrator under the account that installed the program.)


Erik Sojka

How do you mean you cannot draw? Check under Tools | Drawing and
Writing Tools | Pens. Is there a selection there?

What does the mouse cursor look like when you can't draw?


Hi Eric,

Yes I checked under pens, I've got the whole variety. I can click on one of
the pens (or do it from the toolbar) and the pen appears to be selected.
When I move the mouse back over the page it stays as an arrow. If I click
and drag, nothing happens. If I click and let go a grey text box appears,
and if I DO start typing the pen in the toolbar becomes de-selected and the
selection icon becomes selected.

Does all that make sense? Am I missing something obvious? It used to work...




I've got exactly the same problem and I've been trying to
figure it out. I've run various spyware programs, I've
uninstalled One Note and reinstalled One Note. I down
loaded all of the updates ... still doesn't work.

What I am noticing is that once I click on a pen for a
brief moment I can see the pen displayed but it's only for
a second or less.




I had the same problem but what I did to get rid of it is to clean everything. I ran spybot, adaware, windowwasher, and then I took everything out of the startup folder. Finally I searched for any programs that I did not know what they were and deleted them. I am not sure which program was the offending program but I am slowly adding programs back. I should be able to determine which program was the offending one



Hi Vhondy,

You're lucky you can see the pen for a second, I don't even get that!

What I DO get (sometimes) is either the "move" cursor (the 4 way arrows one)
or the one with 2 horizontal lines and arrows pointing up and down - I think
it's the "adjust window size".

But mostly I just have the normal arrow.

I've tried uninstalling and re-installing with no luck and I also run
Ad-aware and Spybot.

I've just downloaded SP1 beta so I'll see if that helps.




I've now installed SP1 preview and the problem has vanished. One of life's
little mysteries!


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