Drawing Regular Polygons




I've googled this group to ask how to draw some Regular Polygons.

I am using MSWord X for Mac (2001).

I have no trouble drawing Regular Triangles (Equilaterals),
Quadrilaterals (Squares), Pentagons, Hexagons and Octagons.

However I also require Enneagons (9-gon), Hendecagons (11-gon),
Dodecagons (12-gon) and Icosagons (20-gon).

Could someone please tell me how-to?

I am able to do all of these easily on old Appleworks but can't find a
simple way to do so with MSWord X.

shaidar cuebiyar.

Klaus Linke

Hi Shaidar,

You can use a macro (....hope I got it right):

' Enneagon:
Dim i As Long
Dim n As Long: n = 9
Dim Pi: Pi = 3.1415926
With ActiveDocument.Shapes.BuildFreeform(msoEditingAuto, 200, 300)
For i = 1 To n
.AddNodes msoSegmentLine, _
msoEditingAuto, _
200 + 100 * Sin(2 * i * Pi / n), _
200 + 100 * Cos(2 * i * Pi / n)
Next i
End With

You can then set the line width, fill the polygon, rotate, ...



Hello Shaidar-

FWIW, you can use the Freeform line tool on the drawing toolbar to create
closed shapes of any style you want. The problem is creating shapes with
equal or proportionate sides. I believe it is available in your version (X),
but probably not in MacWord 2001.

There may also be add-ins available to expand the AutoShape arsenal, but
your best bet is probably to use a drawing program to create the shapes as
images and insert them in you docs as required.

Good Luck |:>)


I've googled this group to ask how to draw some Regular Polygons.

I am using MSWord X for Mac (2001).

I have no trouble drawing Regular Triangles (Equilaterals),
Quadrilaterals (Squares), Pentagons, Hexagons and Octagons.

However I also require Enneagons (9-gon), Hendecagons (11-gon),
Dodecagons (12-gon) and Icosagons (20-gon).

Could someone please tell me how-to?

I am able to do all of these easily on old Appleworks but can't find a
simple way to do so with MSWord X.

shaidar cuebiyar.

-- (e-mail address removed)


Hi Klaus,

Tried your macro. It was the first I've ever tried.

More importantly it worked!

Many thanks.

shaidar cuebiyar


Hello CyberTaz

Thanks for your information but I used Klaus' macro indicated higher up
on this thread.

Good Luck

shaidar cuebiyar