Drawing toolbar malfunction



The "Color" buttons on the "Format Autoshape" command are blank i.e. I
cannot see any color selection unless I click to reveal the drop down. This
is internittent and can be resolved by shutting down Word and restarting. I
am using Office 2003 and problem is more prevalent in Outlook which uses Word
as editorI have tried all of the below:

a) Using the "Reset" command in the toolbar "Customize" command
b) Renaming "Normal.dot"
c) Using "Detect and Repair"
d) Deleting/Renaming the "Data" and "Options" registry keys
e) Deleting all the COM Add-ins
f) Use the Windows Installer clean-up to delete and reinstall Office
g) Use the Word Clean up tool KB884020

Each of this seems to fix the problem temporarily but it then recurs. Any
help would be appreciated.

The most troubling piece is that it only happens on one computer and not on
the other two that I also use.


Does that system have any "goodies" installed that the others don't - things
that are intended to enhance features or Norton stuff or somesuch? You've
done everything you can to fix the issue, so if it recurs there must be an
outside force that keeps undoing your redos. If you can determine what that
is, rip it out by the roots:)


The only thing that is installed in Adobe 7.0.9 which incidentally I have on
all my other computers as well :(

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