Keith Howell
Just in case anyone is interested (and I know some are definately not) I
finally combined all the individual pages into one doc and set up to allow
download. I had to convert for Letter page size instead of A4 and because my
service privider only allows for 15mb I had to reduce the resolution on all
the screen shots and jpegs to get it to fit along with everything else (it
may have made print quality a bit grim - I haven't had a chance to print it
all out yet). I am away for 2 weeks as from tomorrow evening so if anyone is
interested enough to want to take a look and finds problems in the
conversion, please let me know and I will try to fix things when I get back
Just in case anyone is interested (and I know some are definately not) I
finally combined all the individual pages into one doc and set up to allow
download. I had to convert for Letter page size instead of A4 and because my
service privider only allows for 15mb I had to reduce the resolution on all
the screen shots and jpegs to get it to fit along with everything else (it
may have made print quality a bit grim - I haven't had a chance to print it
all out yet). I am away for 2 weeks as from tomorrow evening so if anyone is
interested enough to want to take a look and finds problems in the
conversion, please let me know and I will try to fix things when I get back