


Imagine that one day you would acess your
ON from internet. Would not it be nice?
Let me put it in a long term feature request!

Ben M. Schorr - MVP

Imagine that one day you would acess your
ON from internet. Would not it be nice?
Let me put it in a long term feature request!

Actually there are a few different ways that you could do that now. If
you store your .ONE files on a Internet-based server you could download
them (or even open them if the permissions are right) from there with
OneNote. There would probably be some security issues to navigate though.

A more secure solution, and one that wouldn't require you to host a web or
FTP server, would be to locate your .ONE files on a secure web service
like MSN Files or similar.

Or you could configure a VPN connection to a server within your site.

Ben M. Schorr, MVP-OneNote/Outlook
Operations Coordinator
Stockholm/KSG - Honolulu
Microsoft OneNote FAQ:

Kurt S

I use an awesome little program called WebDrive. It's an FTP program that
interfaces with Windows Explorer and maps an FTP site as a drive letter. All
file transfer and updates are done in the background so you don't need to
download the file, modify it, then transfer back to the FTP server like you
would with normal FTP programs. Just map the FTP site and point OneNote to
the .one file.



Can you use the files when you're offline, or must you be connected to the


Kurt S

If you do it the way I described by pointing OneNote to the files in the
mapped FTP drive, then you would need to be online. However, you could always
go to Explorer, copy the file locally, dissconnect and work with the local
file. Then when you connect again, copy it back.


For those of us born with lousy memories which then deteriorated over the
years, this has disaster written all over it.


Teacher Weeks

I use offline files for this and store my .One files on a server, when I am
away from the server on my laptop the files are accessable, and when
reconnect to the server they are updated automatically.


What kind of server do you use?
Where can I upload ON files?

I would like to ask another thing:
If I copy the files to a usb memory drive, then I can carry it to work
and then work on it there. This is possible right?
Now, If I connect the USB back at home, I will need to replace
the files for update right?
In sum, how can I use my ON at home and at work and keep the
files same using a USB memory?

I use offline files for this and store my .One files on a server, when I am
away from the server on my laptop the files are accessable, and when
reconnect to the server they are updated automatically.

Ben M. Schorr - MVP

What kind of server do you use?
Where can I upload ON files?

I would like to ask another thing:
If I copy the files to a usb memory drive, then I can carry it to work
and then work on it there. This is possible right?
Now, If I connect the USB back at home, I will need to replace
the files for update right?
In sum, how can I use my ON at home and at work and keep the
files same using a USB memory?

I've done it just by creating a OneNote folder on the USB drive and
opening it on both machines. Works fine and don't have to move any files
from machine to machine -- just plug in the USB drive.

Ben M. Schorr, MVP-OneNote/Outlook
Operations Coordinator
Stockholm/KSG - Honolulu
Microsoft OneNote FAQ:


Thats very good news!
But do I need to specify for ON the usb drive
as the source drive on the other machine?


and does ON also update the files which are on the computer?
I mean right now I have ON files on my home computer.
Then I copy them to usb and go to work and modify it.
Then I come back home and plug in usb drive. Now
obviously the files on the usb and the ones on the computer would
not match. AT this instance would ON automatically udpate
the files on the computer from the usb drive?
Or do I need to replace the updated files on the usb for the ones
on the computer hard drive?

Ben M. Schorr - MVP

Thats very good news!
But do I need to specify for ON the usb drive
as the source drive on the other machine?

It doesn't have to be your default notebook; you can just open a second
notebook from that USB drive on each machine and access all of the data in
it. File | Open | Folder...

Ben M. Schorr, MVP-OneNote/Outlook
Operations Coordinator
Stockholm/KSG - Honolulu
Microsoft OneNote FAQ:

Ben M. Schorr - MVP

and does ON also update the files which are on the computer?
I mean right now I have ON files on my home computer.
Then I copy them to usb and go to work and modify it.
Then I come back home and plug in usb drive. Now
obviously the files on the usb and the ones on the computer would
not match. AT this instance would ON automatically udpate
the files on the computer from the usb drive?
Or do I need to replace the updated files on the usb for the ones
on the computer hard drive?

No, it doesn't update the files on the computer if you just leave a
OneNote folder on your USB drive. Just create the new folder, as usual,
then close it in OneNote. Go to Windows Explorer and move it to the USB
drive. File | Open it from there in OneNote. On the other machine you
just have to File | Open it from the USB drive.

Works fine.

Ben M. Schorr, MVP-OneNote/Outlook
Operations Coordinator
Stockholm/KSG - Honolulu
Microsoft OneNote FAQ:


ok. then if i want to update the files on the computer, i simply replace them with the ones on the usb drive right?

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