Drill Down on Button Forms


Dave L

I'm using a form that displays buttons for all the current vendors in our
company that have current purchase orders. What I would like is to click a
vendor button and then have another form come up with buttons for all of the
Purchase orders for that particular vendor. And then, one step further,
click on the purchase order button and have another form come up with buttons
for all of the items on that purchase order.

I'm having difficulty threading the vendor key to the 2nd form. The buttons
are getting brought in through a query. The code I'm using is:

Set db = CurrentDb
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("Select * from [402_qry_Vendor_PO]")

Then withing the query, I have a field called Vendor Key. I've tried using
openargs to get the vendor key in the query, but nothing has worked.


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