Hi ContraWeb. Try downloading Microsoft's OWC XP Toolpack. It contains
some sample code and the Drillthrough.htc file. It's been a while since
I tried it, but as far as I recall the .htc file must be in the same
directory as your OWC documents and the pivot table has to be named
In your Style section write something like this:
.ptdrillthrough { behavior: url(Drillthrough.htc); }
<body onload=spawnDT()>
As for your pivot table:
<object class='ptdrillthrough'
classid="clsid:0002E55A-0000-0000-C000-000000000046" id="pt1">
Below your pivottable add this:
<SCRIPT language=VBScript>
Function spawnDT()
pt1.ActiveView.UseProviderFormatting=true ' Serverside numeric
pt1.ActiveView.DisplayCellColor = true ' Serverside color formatting
End Function
I hope this is of some help for you.
Hans Riis
Bang & Olufsen, Denmark