drive a current instance of Outlook




Is It possible to drive the current instance of Outlook and to do
actions on it like changing current folder?

I managed to connect to the current Outlook, but I don't know how to
step into another folder without opening a new window.

is someone know how to do it ?

thank in advance.


Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

Set Application.ActiveExplorer.CurrentFolder = oFolder

where oFolder is the folder you want as active.

See the Object Browser for help with the Outlook object model and for Outlook programming information.


thanks a lot ken

I forgot to say I program in C++ but as the name of methods as similar
in VBA and C++, I finally made it.

here is my code in C++ :

CNameSpace olNs(olApp->GetNamespace("MAPI"));
CMAPIFolder rep = olNs.GetDefaultFolder(16); // draft folder


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