Drop Down Box Locking Record



I am in the process of upsizing an access database to an
access front end/sql back end.

I have several "pre" screens where a user can select a
record then it will open a form with the entire record

The prescreen generally has a drop down box where the user
will pick what record he/she wants to work with. Say it
is the invoice table. The user selects the invoice # they
want to play with on the prescreen and they push go and
the entire invoice will be displayed for them. The
invoice form is opened and the recordsource for that form
uses the invoice_id from the combo box on the pre screen
so only one record is displayed.

The problem I am having is that the drop down box on the
prescreen is occasionally locking the record so when they
go to the full screen they can't update the record.

The user is locking himself from editing that record
because of the select statement in the drop down box which
is looking at the same table and the same record.

The strange thing is that if only one person is in the
system, this does not happen. Once multiple users are in
the system this happens. I figured out a temporary work
around but it is not a particularly pretty solution.

Is there a way to make that select statement a read-only
statement? There is no editing on the pre-screen, just
selecting what record the user wants.

Thanks in advance for any help.


Jacek Segit

Witaj Tarpon_Zeke,
W Twoim liœcie datowanym 22 czerwca 2004 (20:13:05) mo¿na przeczytaæ:

T> The problem I am having is that the drop down box on the
T> prescreen is occasionally locking the record so when they
T> go to the full screen they can't update the record.

T> The user is locking himself from editing that record
T> because of the select statement in the drop down box which
T> is looking at the same table and the same record.

T> The strange thing is that if only one person is in the
T> system, this does not happen. Once multiple users are in
T> the system this happens. I figured out a temporary work
T> around but it is not a particularly pretty solution.

The dropdown box NORMALLY cannot lock record,
so you should search another reason, but maybe you have not
all/newest updates/patches/MDACs installed?

IMHO the "multi-using" is the real reason.
Try to check if "locked" record is not currently being edited/preccessed
by another user.

Jacek Segit


I would concur with what you say but I look in the locks
information in SQL Server and the select statement that is
locking the record I am trying to edit is the select
statement from the drop down box and it is on the user I
am logged in as.

Somehow, the drop down box is locking the record. Don't
know how but it is.


Jacek Segit

Witaj tarpon_zeke,
W Twoim liœcie datowanym 23 czerwca 2004 (16:53:50) mo¿na przeczytaæ:

t> I would concur with what you say but I look in the locks
t> information in SQL Server and the select statement that is
t> locking the record I am trying to edit is the select
t> statement from the drop down box and it is on the user I
t> am logged in as.

t> Somehow, the drop down box is locking the record. Don't
t> know how but it is.

what is tne source of that drop down box?

Jacek Segit


A select statement based on a table.

SELECT [Patient].[Pat_ID], [Patient].[med_rec_num],
[last_name] & ", " & [first_name] AS Expr1 FROM Patient
ORDER BY [Patient].[med_rec_num], [last_name] & ", " &

It makes no sense to me. When the user selects a record
in the drop down box with the above statement, she then
pushes a button to show the entire patient record. I open
the patient form with the pat_id from the above select
statement. Then when the user tries to change something
on that form, it locks up.

When I look at the locks section in the SQL server it is
showing that the above statement is locking that record
and the user on both statements (the above statement and
the one for the actual form itself) is the same.

The one user is locking the record when they choose it in
the drop down box and when they go to the full screen.

This only happens when there are multiple people in the
database although the same user is locking the record.

It has something to do with multiple users but I can't
figure out why since the same user is the one locking the

Anyway, I have something in place that fixed it but it is
pretty ugly and I would like to figure out a better way to
resolve it.

The drop down box doesn't really do anything but allow
them to select a record so I can open the form with only
that record available. Is there a way to make a select
statement in a drop down box readonly?

I am guessing but that seems like it would fix my problem
but not sure.

Thanks for any help.

-----Original Message-----
Witaj tarpon_zeke,
W Twoim liocie datowanym 23 czerwca 2004 (16:53:50) mo¿na przeczytaæ:

t> I would concur with what you say but I look in the locks
t> information in SQL Server and the select statement that is
t> locking the record I am trying to edit is the select
t> statement from the drop down box and it is on the user

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