Drop-down box



I am going to use the event management database from the wizards, pages & projects. I need to know how to make one of the fields a drop-down box. I have 14 different choices for 1 category and I want to be able to pick from a list. Anything you can help with would be appreciated

Thank you


I am going to use the event management database from the wizards,
pages & projects. I need to know how to make one of the fields a
drop-down box. I have 14 different choices for 1 category and I
want to be able to pick from a list. Anything you can help with
would be appreciated.

Thank you


On a Form, right?
If you wish to use your own list, (not from a table/query), add a
Combo Box to the form. As Row Source Type write Value List.
As RowSource, type each value separated by a comma, i.e.
"Sales","Service","Auditing", etc.

Set the Control Source of this combo Box to the Table Field.
Set the Column count to 1.
Set the Column Width to 1" (or whatever size you want).
Set the Bound Column to 1.
Set the AutoExpand to Yes.
Set the LimitToList to Yes.

Only values in the list will be allowed.
I think that should do it.

Note... If the types of, or the number of, values might change, you
would be better off using a table, which can be updated or appended
to, to store the values. Then any new values or changes will
automatically show up in the combo box.
Change the combo box Row Source Type to Table/Query.
Change the Row Source to:
"Select [FieldName] From YourTable Order By [FieldName];"

John Vinson

I am going to use the event management database from the wizards, pages & projects. I need to know how to make one of the fields a drop-down box. I have 14 different choices for 1 category and I want to be able to pick from a list. Anything you can help with would be appreciated.

Thank you

Create a Form based on your table. Use the Toolbox; click the magic
wand icon and then add a Combo Box to the form.

I'd recommend NOT using the "Lookup Wizard" in your tables - it does
give you a table dropdown box but it's of VERY limited value and
causes many problems. Table datasheets are of limited capability; use
a Form instead.

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