Drop Down box



I've got two drop-down list box and I would like that the value selected in
the first one and the value selected in the second one determines the values
of another box.
ex: in the first drop down box the user will select the area there are from.
in the second drop down box they will select there accociation. from those
two selections there rate would populate

i hope someone cane help me

S.Y.M. Wong-A-Ton

You need to create a 'lookup table', either as a secondary data source or as
a repeating group in your main data source. For example, create an XML file
with all the results of the selections, that is, when A and B are selected,
the result is C. Make sure that the combinations are unique. Then you can
create a secondary data source to this XML document. Once you've got that you
can create one rule on the two drop-down list boxes to set the value of the
third box to the corresponding field in the secondary data source, and use
the "Filter Data" option to filter the secondary data source on both the
selected value from the first drop-down AND that from the second drop-down.

It is very difficult to explain, but it can be done just by using rules and
filters. Take a look at this article:
It might give you an idea on how to do things. If it doesn't, just start out
creating your XML file and ask questions as you go along.

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