Drop Down Boxes Again



In FP 2003, I created a drop down box with 9 items. I clicked height 9, tab
order 9, allow mutiple selections thinking that the drop down box would roll
up after I added all of the names. That didn't happen, the box is showing on
the page with all 9 items. In addition, I lost the up and down arrows. This
drop down box is for viewing flavors in this catagory. Why won't the items
in the box roll up so that only one flavor is visible? Then after clicking
the down arrow (which is not missing), I need the other flavors to drop down
for viewing....??? I need to know how to make the items roll up and

Thanks in advance for support with this issue!

Steve Easton

Remove height 9 and tab order 9
A drop down select doesn't need these set.

Steve Easton
Microsoft MVP FrontPage
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Jim Buyens

Comments interpersed...

gonefishing said:
In FP 2003, I created a drop down box with 9 items. I clicked height 9, tab
order 9, allow mutiple selections thinking that the drop down box would roll
up after I added all of the names. That didn't happen, the box is showing on
the page with all 9 items.

That's what a height of 9 does. Nine items wil always be visible.
In addition, I lost the up and down arrows.

Right. For a list of nine items, nine of which are always visible, there's
no need for up and down arrows.
drop down box is for viewing flavors in this catagory. Why won't the items
in the box roll up so that only one flavor is visible?

For that, you need to specify a height of 1.
Then after clicking
the down arrow (which is not missing), I need the other flavors to drop down
for viewing....??? I need to know how to make the items roll up and

Specify a height of 1. If that doesn't produce the behavior you want, please
explain what's wrong with it.

Jim Buyens
Microsoft MVP
Author of:
|| Microsoft Windows SharePoint Services Inside Out
|| Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 Inside Out
|| Web Database Development Step by Step .NET Edition
|| Microsoft FrontPage Version 2002 Inside Out
|| Faster Smarter Beginning Programming
|| (All from Microsoft Press)

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