drop down form field question



I'm making a form to be used by our doctors to send an stat fax/email with
preliminary reports. I am almost there...but I need a little help. I have
created a .oft
with a drop down with items in the drop down list such as HEAD CT, ABDOMINAL
CT, PELVIC CT. When I lock the form these appear as choices. That is
perfect...but, when i go to actually send or fax the report, that field ends
up blank.
Can i have the text of the chosen drop down appear on the email/fax once it
is sent?
Do I have to run a macro on entry or exit that types the actual word "head
ct"? If so, how do I create that macro?
Thanks in advance.

Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]

If you want Outlook to retain the data, you need to provide a field where Outlook can store it. Bind a field to the control on the control's Properties dialog, on the Value page.


Thanks for helping me out on thisforum…but unfortunately this programming is
just a little beyond me. I made a .oft using the form field options tool bar
in outlook 2003. It is actually just what we need for our emergency reports
at night. I guess I’m missing the boat on how to get my drop down choices to
appear as text. I think though that I am pretty close. Who might I contact
that could do the programming for me? Do you know of a student who would like
to earn a little money? Anyone out there reading this want to earn a little
spare change? I could email you the .oft file that I have so far. I doubt
that what I am trying to do is very hard.

Thanks for your time,

Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]

It's not hard. It sounds like you're giving up without really trying. Did you implement what I suggested? No code is required.

Also note, that if you're using an .oft file and not working an organization using Exchange for its mail server, you'll need to check the "send form definition with item" box on the (Properties) page of the form.

Don't forget the click the Edit Read Layout page to create the layout that recipients will see.
Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of
Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers


Actually, I've spent hours! But anyway, I did not know what you meant by "If
you want Outlook to retain the data, you need to provide a field where
Outlook can store it. Bind a field to the control on the control's Properties
dialog, on the Value page. " Maybe you can give me some more explicit
directions... if you can bear it. I wonder if I am in the right place. I made
this form from a standard email and modified used the forms tool bar....I
hope that is ok. I can't figure out how to make the form from "scratch" via
tools/forms/design a form.

I do use an exchange server....part of the university of pennslvania. so, I
guess I don't have to worry about the send form definition.

now, where do I find the edit read layout page. I can't find that. When I
work on this .oft it opens in word, is that messing me up?

I appreciate the help...but I'm sure you can only bear so much....that is
why I sent out a request to paid for help. If you can stand the pain of
being a bit more explicit and lead me by the hand, I am very interested in
learning. I just don't want to abuse your expertise.
p.s i could send you the .oft file if you want to see it.

Sue Mosher [MVP-Outlook]

Turn off WordMail as your editor (Tools | Options | Mail Format). Then try:

1) Open your form in design mode. (You do know how to do that, right?)
2) Right-click the combo box (the drop-down list control).
3) When the context menu appears, choose Properties.
4) On the Properties menu, switch to the Value tab.
5) Use the Choose Field and/or New buttons at the top of that tab to tell Outlook which property you want Outlook to use to store the value that the user selects.

"Edit Read Page" is the name of a button that you'll see on the toolbar when you have the message form in design mode.

I'd suggest that you work through some of the form tutorial information listed at http://www.outlookcode.com/d/forms.htm
Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of
Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers


Just wanted to thank you for the help. in another forum someone suggested using
as a macro to run on entry. this converts the drop down fields into text. it
works great. I ended up doing as a word template which i then mail with

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