Drop Down in Repeating Table



I have a repeating table that gets it's values from a SQL DB Table called
Steps. One of the columns in the table is "Status". The type in the
repeating table is a "Drop Down List Box" and the values are typed manually.
Value = A Display Name = Approved
Value = D Display Name = Denied

In the Database, I am storing "A" and "D", however when I query in the
values from the database into the repeating table, the drop down list box
always shows the first entry. i.e if a "D" is returned from the DB, the A
still shows.

Anyone have any suggestions?



I have noticed the same issue. When I changed it "look up values in a data
connection to a database" then it worked properly. Although I have not read
this in any book or post. it almost seems like the list boxes with manually
entered values are only intended for entering data, not querying. Like you, I
noticed the default value is displayed, even though my SQL 2005 database did
have the correct values.


thank you zeon. We will give it a try.

zeon said:
I have noticed the same issue. When I changed it "look up values in a data
connection to a database" then it worked properly. Although I have not read
this in any book or post. it almost seems like the list boxes with manually
entered values are only intended for entering data, not querying. Like you, I
noticed the default value is displayed, even though my SQL 2005 database did
have the correct values.


No problem. One more observation that now leads me to think it is a bug. I
have another form where I have a dropdown with manually entered values, but
it is NOT in a repeating table, but instead a repeating section. In that
form, the dropdown works properly, in that the value displayed correctly
represents the value in the database, no matter what the default value is.

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