Drop Down List and Validation for 3 different amounts



I am helping set up a spreadsheet for a physical therapy center. One of the
Excel 2002 worksheets is for their invoices. There are about 33 current
procedures/products, but 3 different prices depending on the means the
procedures/products are paid by. On SHEET 1 is the layout of the invoice
itself with all calculations, and on SHEET 2 is a list of the 33
procedures/products currently offered. The list (range of cells) has been
named and incorporated into a drop-down list on SHEET 1. Now here is the

How can I set this up so that when I select one of the 33
procedures/products from the drop-down list in a cell, it will allow me in
the next column to select (from another drop-down list) 1 of the 3 means
(Cash, Medicare, Insurance Provider, etc) by wich to charge the client by.
This is because the price is different depending on which of the 3 is chosen.
Is this possible? If so, please, the simplest way to do this.

I have further questions I would like to post based on this same project,
which include an easy and efficient way to incorporate these Excel Sheets
into a database, but still keeping all the formatting, calculations, cells,
and the actual look of the way it is designed graphically.

L. Howard Kittle

Debra bailed me out...!

I had her site copied and for-got-about the CTRL-V.




I'm so sorry for still being stuck here. I went to the link and followed the
examples, but I'm still kind of confused as to how to apply this to my
specific task. If it's not too much to ask, I would like to restate what i
need to do with a short example of how the data must flow. In the example
below I only mention 3 procedures/items but there will be more than 30, and
need room to add more in the future, if possible. Here goes:

Let's say the 1st column needs a drop-down list with 3 Procedures: Back
Adjustment, Massage, Nutrition Book
The 2nd column needs a drop-down list for the Pricing Types: Regular,
Medicare, Cash
The 3rd column will then automatically fill in the correct pricing according
to the "Procedure and Pricing Type"
(This is because the price is different depending on which of the 3 is
chosen: Regular, Medicare, Cash).

For example purposes, let's say these are the prices:
Regular Medicare Cash
Back Adjustment $80 $40 $60
Massage $60 $20 $40
Nutrition Book $30 $15 $20

The 4th column will be Quantity, and the 5th Total Price (These are just
basic calculations: Price x QTY=TOTAL) This ofcourse is not the hard part for
me, LOL.


Let's say the 1st column needs a drop-down list with 3 Procedures:
Back Adjustment, Massage, Nutrition Book
The 2nd column needs a drop-down list for the Pricing Types: Regular,
Medicare, Cash
The 3rd column will then automatically fill in the correct pricing
according to the "Procedure and Pricing Type"
(This is because the price is different depending on which of the 3 is
chosen: Regular, Medicare, Cash).

For example purposes, let's say these are the prices:
Regular Medicare Cash
Back Adjustment $80 $40 $60
Massage $60 $20 $40
Nutrition Book $30 $15 $20

The 4th column will be Quantity, and the 5th Total Price (These are
just basic calculations: Price x QTY=TOTAL) This ofcourse is not the
hard part for me, LOL.

One way is to start by putting the above price table in Sheet2!A:D.

To fill in the third column of Sheet1, put this in Sheet1!C2 and copy down:
The idea of the IF() is to select a column of Sheet2 to use based on what's
in Sheet1!B2.


HALLELUJAH!!! Thanks MyVeryOwnSelf, such a simple solution. I'm not too
familiar with the VLOOKUP formulas, this has been so helpful. And to L.
Howard and Debra, I want to sincerely thank both of you as well, especially
for all 3 of you responding so quickly. I prayed and said, "Lord, please have
someone send me a quick and simple solution today, so I can take a rest from
this!" May He bless you all dearly.

I don't know if any of you are still in the mood to help me out on 2 more
issues with this project, if you are, here goes.

1) When trying to hide the Alert Errors in certain cells (some have
formulas/calculations, totals,etc.), I found in several posts to just go to
Conditional Formatting→Formula Is | =ISERROR(cell reference)→Format→then
choose white or a color matching the cell color for the text. When a cell has
no entry and the Alert Error appears (such as: #DIV/0! or #NAME?), the
Conditional Formatting with the color is not a problem, but when there is a
total or value in that cell, then it can't be seen because of the Conditional
Formatting. Is there a SIMPLE way to just have select cells with the Alert
Error to be blank (while still keeping the cell color if it has one) when
there is an Alert Error, and others I choose to show "$0.00"?

2) Once the above has been accomplished, is there an easy and efficient way
to incorporate these Excel Sheets into a database, while still keeping all
the formatting, calculations, cell colors, column placements, text
blocks/titles, and the actual look of the way it is designed graphically?

I know this is a lot, and for me it is a big task, but I know there must be
a way.


One way is to start by putting the above price table in Sheet2!A:D.
To fill in the third column of Sheet1, put this in Sheet1!C2 and copy
The idea of the IF() is to select a column of Sheet2 to use based on
what's in Sheet1!B2.

Here's a different formula for Sheet1!C2 I like better:
It's more general. The payment types on Sheet2 can change without having to
change the formulas on Sheet1.


I went to Sheet 2 and changed the prices using both of your formulas, but
both seem to work fine giving the same results. Not sure what the new formula
does different.

If anyone can answer my 2 new questions I'd appreciate it, if not, I will
try posting it as a new question. Thanks!

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