Drop Down List Box size too small


Darin Kramer


I have created a macro that launches a drop down list box, problem is
the list box is to small, left to right, to hold the length of
charchters I want to include in it, how do I change the length or style
of the list box....

Below is extracted code in case it sheds some light....



' Set properties of the drop-down list box.
Set cbcCommandBarListBox = _
With cbcCommandBarListBox
.AddItem " .Add new sample"
.AddItem " .Modify exisiting sample"
.ListIndex = 1
.Caption = "I want to.."
.Style = msoComboLabel
.BeginGroup = True
.OnAction = "LaunchMacro_comment"
.Tag = "lstSet_Sample_size"
End With

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Tom Ogilvy

The CommandBarCombobox has a width property. Try setting that to something

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