Insert the tag: <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
before the line: function jmpMS(site){
PS move the whole script inside of the HEAD tags at the top of the page so you have
.................... any other tags here
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
function jmpMS(site) {
if (site == 0) {return;}
if (site == 1) {parent.frames.myframe.location.href="";}
if (site == 2) {parent.frames.myframe.location.href="";}
if (site == 3) {parent.frames.myframe.location.href="";}
| I tried to add the code into my html page. What happened was the first line
| I entered, the 'function jmp()' then appears on the preview tab. Any ideas
| what is going on?
| Also, what defines the index, used in (this.selectedIndex) ??
| Thanks!
| Steve
| | > >-----Original Message-----
| > >What I'm hoping someone can help me with is this.
| > >
| > >I want to create a drop down list, of products, and when
| > >the user selects the appropriate item, have it pull the
| > >appropriate info from either a database or file, and
| > >display it in a different frame. How can I do this?
| > >I can get the drop down list to appear, and can add
| > >items to the list itself, but once the item is picked,
| > >how can you get data to be displayed that corresponds to
| > > that choice?
| > >
| > >Thanks very much!
| > >
| > >Steve
| >
| > add an onChange attribute to your drop-down list, as
| > shown below.
| >
| > <select name="msdest" size="1"
| > onChange="jmpMS(this.selectedIndex)">
| > <option>None</option>
| > <option>Main Home Page</option>
| > <option>Microsoft Press</option>
| > <option>MS-NBC</option>
| > </select>
| >
| > Then, elsewhere in the page, define a script like this:
| >
| > function jmpMS(site){
| > if (site == 0) {
| > return;
| > }
| > if (site == 1) {
| > parent.frames.myframe.location.href =
| > ""
| > }
| > if (site == 2) {
| > parent.frames.myframe.location.href =
| > ""
| > }
| > if (site == 3) {
| > parent.frames.myframe.location.href =
| > ""
| > }
| > }
| > </script>
| >
| > where myframe is the name of the target frame.
| >
| > Jim Buyens
| > Microsoft FrontPage MVP
| > (e-mail address removed)
| >
| > Author of:
| > *------------------------------------------------------*
| > |\----------------------------------------------------/|
| > || Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 Inside Out ||
| > || Microsoft FrontPage Version 2002 Inside Out ||
| > || Web Database Development Step by Step .NET Edition ||
| > || Troubleshooting Microsoft FrontPage 2002 ||
| > || Faster Smarter Beginning Programming ||
| > || (All from Microsoft Press) ||
| > |/----------------------------------------------------\|
| > *------------------------------------------------------*
| >
| >
| >