drop down list



I have a column of values on a form on which I perform the =SUM function.
The result becomes a reference cell for further calculation.

I would next like to include a drop-down list that allows me to perform
various functions on the reference cell and deliver the result up to a
destination cell where the value is called up for further calculation.

The list requires three states 1) do nothing, but return a text message
indicating a null result, 2) deliver the value of the reference cell to the
destination cell, for further processing and, 3) multiply the value of the
reference cell by 2 and deliver the value to the destination cell.

The drop down list, should provide a degree of self-documentation so that
when the form is printed, the process that was employed is clearly recorded.

I have been looking at Worksheet_ChangeEvents but I can’t understand what I
would need to do to make it work in this instance and (because the reference
cell is the result of a formula {=SUM(column)}) I am not sure that it is
appropriate in this instance anyway.

I would really like to learn how to do this myself but I find the whole
issue of the coding impenetrable so if anyone can help me I would be
immensely grateful.


Hi DD,

Let's say that the reference cell in your case is D34.

In another cell, say D36, enter in NULL, or whatever text you like.
In D37 put "=d34" (without the quotes)
In D38 put "=d34*2" (without the quotes)

In say, E34 place a drop down box and set its cell link to F34 (as your
destination cell.) Also set its list range to be "d36:d38".
Modify as you need.

Let me know if this helps.


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