Drop down list



Hi Everybody,

Ihave a question on drop down list.

In the column A1:A4 I have descrition of items and in the column B,C,D,
E I will have the volume of sales in the years(say
2004,2003,2002&2001). Now in cell A5 I created a dropdown list using
validation in the data menu byselecting the range A1:A4, Now What I
need is if i pick a an item from the drop down list it is displying the
item in CellA5 I need the corresponding data to that item should be
displayed in the cells B5,C5,D5,E5 automaticaaly, I need this because I
use this as a input to the other formulas.

Please help me out regarding this problem.

Thanks & Regards



ramana said:
Hi Everybody,

Ihave a question on drop down list.

In the column A1:A4 I have descrition of items and in the column B,C,D,
E I will have the volume of sales in the years(say
2004,2003,2002&2001). Now in cell A5 I created a dropdown list using
validation in the data menu byselecting the range A1:A4, Now What I
need is if i pick a an item from the drop down list it is displying the
item in CellA5 I need the corresponding data to that item should be
displayed in the cells B5,C5,D5,E5 automaticaaly, I need this because I
use this as a input to the other formulas.

Please help me out regarding this problem.

Thanks & Regards



Everything that you did in creating the drop-down list is correct. Now all
you need to do in cells B5 - E5 is to add a"Vlookup" function to these cells.
For example, in B5, the correct formula is: =VLOOKUP($A$5,$A$1:$E$4,2), where
$A$5 locks in cell A5 as the reference cell, $A$1:$E$4 locks in the range of
information in the "lookup" range of values, and the final value "2" says
look up the value in the second column of the range of values. Copy this
formula across the other cells (C5 - E5), then change the lat value "2" to
the respective location value (e.g. in cell C5, the last value in the formula
is "3": =VLOOKUP($A$5,$A$1:$E$4,3), and so on.....).

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