James Norris
Way back in May-2003, J.E. McGimpsey posted:
From: J.E. McGimpsey
Date: Sun, May 11 2003 9:22 pm
By any chance, is your validation dropdown on a line above a freeze
pane row? XL97,98,01 and v.X have a bug that precludes the dropdown
showing on such lines.
I'm running version 11.2.5 (060602) of Excel for the Mac on a 1GHz
PowerBook G4 running OS 10.4.7 and having the same problem. Namely: a
drop-down list created using:
Data>Validation>Settings(Allow=List, Ignore blank=Checked, In-cell
dropdown=Checked, Source=[range on worksheet])
above the freeze-pane line will generate the pull-down icon when the
its cell is clicked on, but will not actually drop-down when the icon
is clicked on. It looks like the I'm-working-on-it clock icon is
popping up for a fraction of a second when I click on the pull-down
icon, but it doesn't stay up long enough for me to be sure.
On the other hand, a drop-down list created using the same method
created below the freeze-pane line works as it should.
If the pane is unfrozen, the former drop-down list begins to work as it
should. (The latter drop-down list continues to work as it should.)
Is anyone else having this problem?
Is there any known work-around, aside from unfreezing the pane when I
want to use the former drop-down list?
Does anyone know if Microsoft knows about the bug?
How woudl one report this bug to Microsoft?
James Norris
From: J.E. McGimpsey
Date: Sun, May 11 2003 9:22 pm
By any chance, is your validation dropdown on a line above a freeze
pane row? XL97,98,01 and v.X have a bug that precludes the dropdown
showing on such lines.
I'm running version 11.2.5 (060602) of Excel for the Mac on a 1GHz
PowerBook G4 running OS 10.4.7 and having the same problem. Namely: a
drop-down list created using:
Data>Validation>Settings(Allow=List, Ignore blank=Checked, In-cell
dropdown=Checked, Source=[range on worksheet])
above the freeze-pane line will generate the pull-down icon when the
its cell is clicked on, but will not actually drop-down when the icon
is clicked on. It looks like the I'm-working-on-it clock icon is
popping up for a fraction of a second when I click on the pull-down
icon, but it doesn't stay up long enough for me to be sure.
On the other hand, a drop-down list created using the same method
created below the freeze-pane line works as it should.
If the pane is unfrozen, the former drop-down list begins to work as it
should. (The latter drop-down list continues to work as it should.)
Is anyone else having this problem?
Is there any known work-around, aside from unfreezing the pane when I
want to use the former drop-down list?
Does anyone know if Microsoft knows about the bug?
How woudl one report this bug to Microsoft?
James Norris