drop down menu



Word 2003

Does the ability exist where one can use a drop-down “forms†menu within a
protected table and allow users to select more than one item within?

If not, would one of you wonderful Gurus be able to furnish me with a more
appropriate means of doing so – if at all possible?

As always, thanks so very much in advance…


Jay Freedman

Word 2003

Does the ability exist where one can use a drop-down “forms” menu within a
protected table and allow users to select more than one item within?

If not, would one of you wonderful Gurus be able to furnish me with a more
appropriate means of doing so – if at all possible?

As always, thanks so very much in advance…


Hi Rod,

No, the dropdown that's available in the forms toolbar cannot handle multiple

It can be done with a list box in a userform. For a quick introduction to
userforms, see http://www.word.mvps.org/FAQs/Userforms/CreateAUserForm.htm.
Instead of the text boxes described there, you can choose a list box from the
toolbox. Set the MultiSelect property of the list box to fmMultiSelectExtended
to make it work like most lists in Windows (you can use the Shift or Ctrl keys
together with clicks or the arrow keys).

Figuring out which items the user selected is a bit tedious. You have to use a
For...Next loop to test the list box's Selected(i) property for each index value
(i) in the list.

It also helps to know what you're going to do with the selected items -- if the
user selected several, are you going to display them in the document somehow? Or
will you do something else with them?


Jay - you are just terrific - not only with the explanation of how to go
about doing what needs to be done, but with additionally posing the question
of what is to be done as a result of any particular selection(s).

That is something that I will have to ask the user because quite frankly, I
don't know at the moment. Along those lines - you will most probabnly be
hearing from me again with questions about how and what to do with the
selected choices.

However, investigating the UserForm is something that I can look into until
such time as I have the answer to the above question. Thank you for
supplying the link.

I really do appreciate your time and energy - Rod

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