Drop Down shows value instead of Display Name when user select



Hi all,

I do not understand what's going on with my Drop Down List, I have a Drop
Down List filled in with an external data Source which contains two fields
PreventionCode and PreventionName.
The DDL is configured to use the PreventionCode column as the value and the
PreventionName as the Display Name, when I preview my form it's works fine,
but when the form is integrated in SPS (using IFS) when the user selects a
value the drop down box shows the actual value that was choosed instead of
the display name. And strangely when the user select another value then the
Drop Down Box shows the Display Name.

I already try to delete/recreate the Data Source, remove/recreate the Drop
Down List and I keep having this problem.

I'll appreciate any help.


I don't see the cause and effect but the problem has disappeared since I have
replace the Data Type of the column PreventionCode in SQL from nchar(4) to


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