Drop-down text box data not editable when filling out form



Hi all,

I was previously designing dynamic forms on an Excel platform using VBA
code. In VBA, there is, of course, a Drop-Down List Box object, very similar
to the one found in InfoPath. There is a big difference between the two
though that really is a drag. On the VBA Drop-Down List Box, one has the
ability to select an item from the list box, and/or add text to the box
manually. There does not seem to be such a capability with InfoPath; it
appears that you simply get to pick an item from a static list, and cannot
modify it, add to it, or change it in any way.

Am I missing something, or am I stuck? It's pretty darn handy to have it
work the way it does with VBA code....actually, it's more than handy...it's
necessary in most of our cases.

What about addition property feature that could allow a user to modify the
text entry that's been selected or not?

Feedback is greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,


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Adam Harding


I get around it by havning an other option in my drop down box that reveals
a text box if selected. Works fine and very intuitive.


Kent & Adam,

I'm having the same issue due to organizational changes. A cascading drop
down was fine until parallel systems were put into effect.


Can you elaborate on your method? Are you talking about creating a rule on
your drop-down or different form views? I'm very intereseted to here how you
go about this. As I mentioned, I have cascading drop-downs so where I
override one field, I would have to do the same in another.

Thanks for your help.

Adam Harding


Quite straightforward utilising Conditional Formatting to reveal the text
box when the dropdown list equals a specific value eg Other so my conditional
format on the text box reads

If DDlist is not equal to Other then hide this control

Job done

You can make the DDList disappear also by using conditional formatting to
say if text box is not blank then hid control. You could replace ALL your
DDLists with text boxes on this one occurence to provide the functionality
you seek.

I hope this makes sense

Cheers Adam


It sorta makes sense, and I'm sure it'll make more sense once I try it. I'll
let you know how it works out.

Thanks Man!

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