Drop down text box



I can't seem to figure this out. Is there a way to make a multi-line text
box in excel, that the user can enter any text into, and have a down arrow
to click to view the entered text. I made a multi-line text box but all I
can do is set it to show a vertical scroll bar. Is there anyway to have it
show in drop down box style? I tried a combo box, but I only know how to set
it up for validation and not to get it to let me enter my own text on
multiple lines and with a drop down arrow to view the text. Can anyone help
me out? Thanks.

Dave Peterson

I'm not sure if this fits your problem, but you can use data|validation and
allow the users to type an entry.

Data|Validation|Error Alert Tab

You can tell it to ignore any "invalid" entry (or even give it a warning

If that doesn't fit, you may want to try adding a combobox from the
controltoolbox toolbar. If you right click on it, you can show the properties.
Then assign it a LinkedCell (to pick up the value of the combobox) and you can
assign it a ListFillRange (to pick up your suggested entries).

And with the Style property set to fmStyleDropDownCombo, the user can type
entries not in the list.

If you change the style to fmStyleDropDownList, then the user has to choose from
one of the values in the list.


Thanks I ended up using data/validation. I added a button that pops up a
form, comments are entered into form, when the user clicks ok, it pastes
those comments into cells and then I use the in cell drop down to display
the comments.

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