My problem is that VBA is writing the numbers to a file PATH but it
drops the leading zeros. I already tried to make them strings but if I
do that then it adds parenthesis to the "string" which I dont want. I
dont understand why it is not writing EXACTLY what I am telling it to
output to file. Please help, thanks.
Colin Marker
Code ->
intFile = FreeFile
Open PATH For Append As #intFile
colIndex = 1
rwIndex = 1
Do Until Cells(rwIndex, colIndex) = ""
Write #intFile, 0.53, 5.24, 0.15, -0.58, -0.862
rwIndex = rwIndex + 1
Close #intFile
drops the leading zeros. I already tried to make them strings but if I
do that then it adds parenthesis to the "string" which I dont want. I
dont understand why it is not writing EXACTLY what I am telling it to
output to file. Please help, thanks.
Colin Marker
Code ->
intFile = FreeFile
Open PATH For Append As #intFile
colIndex = 1
rwIndex = 1
Do Until Cells(rwIndex, colIndex) = ""
Write #intFile, 0.53, 5.24, 0.15, -0.58, -0.862
rwIndex = rwIndex + 1
Close #intFile