Dropped lines in message body?


Bill Cohagan

I've got a Windows app (c# 2005) app that is reading messages from an
Outlook folder and every few messages I seem to be losing one line from the
message. (There may be more, but my app throws an error on the first one.)

The message is being processed in a constructor method which looks like:

public Response(o.MailItem msg)
sentOn = msg.SentOn;
responseBody = msg.Body;

The "responseBody" retrieved from the msg is missing (at least) 1 line of
the text in the original message. I can view the message in Outlook and the
line is there, but when I look at the returned string it is NOT there.

Has anyone seen anything like this? The problem occurs in particular
messages, but not all messages and it is repeatable. I can hopefully produce
a small program that will reproduce the problem if anyone can help solve the


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