I'm trying to repair an .asp page that uses either of two dropdowns to limit
results from a linked Access db.
The first dropdown value is "wtb", it works fine with the code as shown.
The second dropdown value is "wtbst", it never works and I get the default
"Record Not Found" message.
I think the problem is that the first dropdown is used in the "Select"
statement and when you only select from the second box, the wtb box matches
the default value of "00" in the dropdown list and goes no further.
Here are some questions:
1. What is {SOURCE} eq {fp_Source}? I can't find this anywhere.
2. Do I need to put the entire string as shown below in the Select statment?
3. If I need to set a default value for wtbst as well as wtb, how do I do
that in the second bit of code shown below? (fp_sDefault="wtb=00",
Here's the pertinent part of the DRW code:
s-criteria="{SOURCE} eq {fp_Source} and (({ID} EQ {wtb}) or
({StateorProvince} EQ {wtbst})) +" s-order="[CompanyName] + [StateOrProvince]
+" s-sql="SELECT * FROM WhereToBuy WHERE (ID = ::wtb:
Here are the first two lines of the DRW definition:
fp_sQry="SELECT * FROM WhereToBuy WHERE (ID = ::wtb:
results from a linked Access db.
The first dropdown value is "wtb", it works fine with the code as shown.
The second dropdown value is "wtbst", it never works and I get the default
"Record Not Found" message.
I think the problem is that the first dropdown is used in the "Select"
statement and when you only select from the second box, the wtb box matches
the default value of "00" in the dropdown list and goes no further.
Here are some questions:
1. What is {SOURCE} eq {fp_Source}? I can't find this anywhere.
2. Do I need to put the entire string as shown below in the Select statment?
3. If I need to set a default value for wtbst as well as wtb, how do I do
that in the second bit of code shown below? (fp_sDefault="wtb=00",
Here's the pertinent part of the DRW code:
s-criteria="{SOURCE} eq {fp_Source} and (({ID} EQ {wtb}) or
({StateorProvince} EQ {wtbst})) +" s-order="[CompanyName] + [StateOrProvince]
+" s-sql="SELECT * FROM WhereToBuy WHERE (ID = ::wtb:
Here are the first two lines of the DRW definition:
fp_sQry="SELECT * FROM WhereToBuy WHERE (ID = ::wtb: